Sunday 12 May 2013

The exit - Part I

I have sat here for almost two hours. In the same spot. Without moving. The drastic dilemma has boggled my mind - is it time for me to leave yet. Hesitantly, I stand up and progress towards the exit door. Something isn't feeling right. For the last time, I look back to where I was previously sat. I stare at the empty seat which was as empty as my heart. I stare at the little boy sitting next to my seat. His innocent, juvenile eyes told me he was as oblivious to anything as I was. I stare at the blank space. I repeat to myself - I shouldn't have been here.

I face around to the door again. Slowly, I push the bar. Locked. I push again. Locked. Something wasn't right. Why wasn't this door opening. Will I be stuck here forever? Now my curious mind with tenacity to leave was acting up more than ever. 

"You have to have a exit pass to leave", said a young woman who hurriedly approaches towards the door too. "What exit pass?" I reply. "You've been here too early. There are processes", she tauntingly replies back. 

Without another word, she pushes the door open. A bizarre light shines over the room. In pain, I close my eyes to readjust the light. As I open my eyes, she's gone. Gone where? "Ah the door probably works now". I push the handle again. It doesn't work. 

This wasn't a coincidence anymore. I think back to the 'exit pass' and the 'processes' the woman was talking about. What was she referring to? All I wanted to do now was to get out of here. I try to think back about why I was even here in the first place. No memory. That's very strange. I don't even know why I'm here. I think again. My mind has been obscured with darkness. I have no memory of anything at all. All this was becoming more and more strange every second. 

As I perplexedly speculate over the mechanism of the door, a strange looking man calls for me - "Glen. You're next"

To be contd.

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